When Were Cigars Invented?

Cigars have been a symbol of luxury and sophistication for centuries. But when did people first start smoking them? The history of cigars is a long and fascinating one, with roots that go back thousands of years.

The cigar is a type of tobacco product that is rolled into a cylindrical shape and smoked. It is believed to have originated in Central America, where tobacco was first cultivated by the Mayans. From there, the popularity of cigars spread around the world, becoming a favorite pastime of kings and commoners alike.

Understanding the origins of cigars can give us a greater appreciation for this timeless tradition. In this article, we will explore the history of cigars, from their earliest beginnings to their modern-day popularity. So sit back, light up a cigar, and join us on a journey through time as we explore the fascinating world of cigars.

Definition of a Cigar

A cigar is a type of tobacco product that is rolled into a cylindrical shape and smoked. Cigars differ from cigarettes in that they are larger, thicker, and made from higher-grade tobacco than cigarettes.

They may also contain additional flavorings such as herbs or spices, depending on the manufacturer. The size and shape of cigars can vary greatly, but typically they range between 5 to 8 inches in length and have a ring gauge of between 35 to 54.

History of Cigars

The exact origins of cigars are largely unknown, but it is believed that they first appeared in the early 1500s in Central America, most likely among the Mayans or Aztecs. These early cigars were made from tobacco leaves that were dried, cured, and then rolled up into a cylindrical shape.

These primitive cigars were smoked primarily for spiritual and medicinal purposes, but soon their popularity spread to other parts of the world. By the 17th century, Cuba had become a major producer of cigars and was exporting them to Europe and the United States.

Since then, cigars have become popular in many countries around the world and are now enjoyed by people from all walks of life. Cigars are still made by hand in many countries and are a symbol of luxury and sophistication.

Jean Nicot and the Tobacco Plant

Jean Nicot, a French diplomat and scholar, is credited with introducing the tobacco plant to Europe in 1560. He reportedly sent some seeds to Catherine de Medici of France as a cure for her headaches.

The tobacco plant quickly became popular among Europeans, who began smoking it in pipes and cigars. Nicot’s name was eventually adopted for the genus of the tobacco plant, Nicotiana .

18th Century – The Rise of Cigars

The 18th century saw the rise of cigars as a popular pastime among the wealthy and powerful. The popularity of smoking spread to Europe, where it was embraced by kings and aristocrats alike. By this time, cigars had become a fashionable accessory for social gatherings and were often given away as gifts.

In England, cigar smoking became so popular that there was even an exclusive club called “The Venerable Order of St . George’s Smokers.” This club was reserved for members of the British military and nobility, who would meet to smoke cigars and discuss politics.

Modern Day Cigars

Today, cigars are enjoyed by people from all walks of life around the world. They are still made by hand in many countries, using traditional methods that have been passed down through generations.

Cigars have also become a popular collectible item among aficionados, who often buy and sell rare or vintage cigars. The popularity of cigar smoking continues to spread, as more and more people discover the unique pleasure of smoking a fine cigar.

19th Century – The First Big Boom for Cigars

The 19th century saw a huge surge in the popularity of cigars. As production and transportation methods improved, cigars became more accessible to people across the world. Cigar smoking was embraced by many famous figures such as Mark Twain and Winston Churchill, who helped popularize cigar smoking among the upper class.

Cigars also began to be mass produced at this time, allowing them to become more affordable for people from all walks of life . This helped to spread the popularity of cigars even further and cemented their place as one of the most popular forms of tobacco consumption in the world.

20th Century – A Second Wave of Popularity for Cigars

The 20th century saw a resurgence of cigar popularity that has continued to this day. As technology improved, cigars became easier to produce and transport, allowing them to become widely available. The availability of cigars, coupled with their increased affordability, allowed more people than ever before to enjoy them.

In the United States, cigar smoking was embraced by celebrities such as Groucho Marx and Humphrey Bogart, who helped make cigar smoking fashionable again.

The popularity of cigars continues to this day, with people from all walks of life enjoying them around the world. It is estimated that there are now over 400 million cigar smokers worldwide, making it one of the most popular forms of tobacco consumption in the world.

Different Types of Cigars

Cigars come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors. From the classic hand-rolled Cuban cigars to the modern machine-made varieties, there’s a cigar for everyone. Each type of cigar has its own unique characteristics and flavor profile.

One popular type of cigar is the Corona, which is long and thin with a tapered end. This style of cigar often has a mild and pleasant flavor.

Another popular type of cigar is the Robusto, which is short and thick with a rounded end. This style of cigar is known for its full flavor and more complex taste profile.

Other types of cigars include the Churchill, which is long and wide; the Toro, which is medium-sized with a rounded end; the Petit Corona, which is short and thin; and finally, the Panate the Lonsdale, which is long and slightly tapered.


Cigars have been a beloved part of human culture for centuries. They have evolved from being enjoyed by the elite to becoming a popular pastime and hobby for people from all walks of life. With their unique flavor profiles and a wide variety of types to choose from, it’s no wonder why cigars are still enjoyed by millions today.

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