How Long Are Cigars Good For?

Have you ever wondered how long cigars last before they go bad? It’s common for cigar enthusiasts to stock up on their favorite brands, but how long can they actually keep them before the flavor and quality start to decline?

If you’re a cigar aficionado, it’s important to know how long your cigars will last before they go bad. Whether you’re planning to store them for a special occasion or building a collection, understanding the shelf life of cigars is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that affect the lifespan of cigars and provide tips on how to properly store them to maximize their longevity.

Definition of Cigars

Cigars are tightly rolled bundles of tobacco that can range in size and shape. They usually consist of a filler blend of various tobaccos, wrapped in a binder leaf and then covered with a flavorful wrapper leaf. Cigars are available in an array of sizes from miniature to extra large. Depending on the type, they can be smoked for anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours.

How Long Are Cigars Good For?

The shelf life of cigars depends on how they are stored and the quality of the tobacco used. Generally speaking, if stored properly in an airtight container or a humidor, most cigars will stay fresh for up to two years.

However, premium cigars may last longer if stored in ideal conditions – up to five years or more. If you find your cigars have become dry or brittle, it is likely that they have been exposed to too much humidity or temperature and should be discarded.

Why Cigars Need to Be Stored Properly?

Cigars need to be stored properly because they are made of organic materials that can easily be affected by their environment. Exposure to humidity, temperature, and light can all cause the tobacco in cigars to degrade, resulting in a loss of flavor and quality.

The ideal conditions for storing cigars are between 65-70% humidity and temperatures between 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit. Furthermore, cigars should be kept away from direct sunlight as this can dry out the tobacco and make it less enjoyable to smoke.

Factors That Determine How Long a Cigar Will Last

Here are the factors that determine how long a cigar will last!

Humidity Levels

Humidity levels play an important role in determining the life-span of a cigar. Cigars should be stored between 65-70% humidity for optimal longevity. If humidity levels are too low, cigars can dry out and become brittle, resulting in a harsh smoking experience.

On the other hand, if humidity levels are too high, cigars can become soggy and difficult to smoke. Therefore, it is important to maintain a consistent level of humidity in your cigar storage area.

Wrap Quality

The quality of the wrap on a cigar also affects its longevity, as it helps to preserve and protect the tobacco inside. Wraps made of higher-quality materials such as cedar or wood will help keep cigars fresh for longer periods of time compared to wraps made of lower-grade materials such as paper or plastic.

Storage Method

The type of storage method used can also affect the life-span of a cigar. Cigars should be stored in an airtight container such as a humidor or an airtight jar to maintain their freshness and flavor. Avoid storing cigars in plastic bags, as this can cause the tobacco to become dry and lose its flavor.

Will a Plastic Wrapper Help Cigars Last Longer?

A plastic wrapper can help cigars last longer, but not in the same way as a humidor or an airtight jar. The purpose of a plastic wrapper is to protect cigars from the elements while they are being transported, such as during shipping.

Plastic wrappers provide some moisture-resistant protection and can also help preserve flavor by blocking out light, however, it is not a substitute for a humidor or airtight jar when it comes to long-term storage.

Types of Cigars

Cigars come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and flavors. Some of the most popular types of cigars include:

  • Hand-rolled: Hand-rolled cigars are typically made up of long filler tobacco. They are usually machine or hand-rolled into an even shape and have a longer burn time than other types.
  • Machine-made: Machine-made cigars are produced by machines and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They often have a shorter burn time than hand-rolled cigars.
  • Premium Cigars: Premium cigars are made from the finest tobaccos available and usually have a more complex flavor profile.

Proper Storage Techniques to Preserve Freshness of a Cigar

Let’s discuss the storage techniques to preserve cigar’s freshness!

Store Cigars in an Airtight Container:

The best way to store cigars is in an airtight container, such as a humidor or an airtight jar. This will help maintain the ideal humidity levels and prevent your cigars from becoming dry and brittle.

Avoid Direct Sunlight:

Direct sunlight can easily dry out your cigars and cause them to lose their flavor. To preserve the freshness of your cigars, make sure they are stored away from direct sunlight.

You can also shield them from excess light by using a dark or black bag or box. Additionally, if you plan to store your cigars outside, make sure they are in an airtight container with a lid that will protect them from any adverse weather conditions.

Keep Cigars at the Right Temperature:

Cigars should be stored in a cool, dry environment with temperatures between 68-74 degrees Fahrenheit. Storing cigars in warmer areas can cause them to dry out and become brittle.

Use a Hygrometer:

When storing cigars, it is important to keep an eye on the humidity levels. A hygrometer is an instrument used to measure humidity, which can help ensure that your cigars are stored in the ideal environment.

Air Circulation

Good air circulation is essential for keeping cigars fresh and flavorful. If possible, store your cigars in a place where there is good airflow and ventilation. This will allow the air to circulate freely and prevent any mold or mildew from forming on the cigars.


Cigars can be a great addition to any occasion, but it is important to ensure they are properly stored to maximize their shelf life. By using an airtight container such as a humidor or an airtight jar, avoiding direct sunlight, keeping them at the right temperature, using a hygrometer for monitoring humidity levels and ensuring good air circulation, you can help preserve the freshness and flavor of your cigars for up to two years.

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